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The Daily Hundred 1.0
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At The Daily Hundred, we believe you should be rewarded for your brand loyalty! Our innovative geosocial application allows loyal customers, just like you, to win great prizes by interacting with their favorite brands. Win by taking the most creative photo, getting the most votes from your friends and countless other ways depending on the contest you entered. Our contests allow small business owners and Fortune 500 executives alike to leverage the creative juices of their awesome customers in order to create the optimal marketing campaign for their business or promotion.
I just won a Daily Hundred contest, so what is my prize? Let’s just say, when you win a Daily Hundred contest you don’t get a virtual badge or a 5% discount on your next purchase. The incentive for you… real, valuable, prizes.
With The Daily Hundred iPhone App, you can:
* Find awesome local contests, sponsored by your favorite brands and businesses
* Enter contests by either taking a photo with the iPhone’s built in camera or uploading a photo from your camera roll
* Enhance your photo submission with filters, stickers, text and other great photo editing tools
* Share your submission on Facebook or Twitter in order to get more votes
* View all of the photo submissions on one main gallery view and sort by “Highest Rated”, “Recent” or “Random”
* Vote for and share your favorite photos in all of the active contests
* If The Daily Hundred is not running contests in your city then you can request to add your city for future inclusions
* Most importantly…have Fun!
**** Please note Apple is not a sponsor of The Daily Hundred nor is it involved in any way with the promotions contained within the App ****
**** Please note contest rules and Terms of Use are included within each contest page in The Daily Hundred application. They can be viewed by pressing the "i" icon in the top right of the main graphic on each contest page. ****