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The Nurse With The Red Clown Nose By Storyboy 1.0
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A WHAT'S HOT feature!! This is an uplifting story that teaches kids about a tough disease. The animated book reminds us all that we should never give up and to always keep laughing in the face of adversity.
"An inspiring story for kids and families on the front lines." - keepsmesmiling
“Kids will respond to the playful and humorous images and sounds. It will embrace their inquisitive and curious minds charming them with relevant knowledge and healthy content.”
David J. Peter, Ed.D
Principal, St. Stephens the Martyr School
Enter the world of StoryBoy and bring stories to life for your kids!
StoryBoy Kids’ Books are a wonderful way to entertain and educate kids anytime and anywhere. It’s an instant portable world of stories for kids and parents to enjoy together
Our stories are beautifully illustrated, animated and narrated. The library includes familiar old favorites and well-written original stories.
The simple navigation and auto-read function makes these books easy to use for the youngest readers.
We hope your family enjoys this book. Please drop us a note anytime with comments and suggestions at
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