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Tiny Planet Photos 5.0.1
Screen Shots:
Tiny Planet Photos turns your photos into a sphere so that it looks like a tiny planet. A fun app to add to your collection of photo apps.
*** Featured by Apple in "New and Noteworthy" ***
"Basically, Tiny Planets does effortlessly in seconds
what photographers would typically need Photoshop or a similar program in order to accomplish." -- appadvice
"Tiny planets are fun to make using your digi photos, but this app now lets you make them on your iPhone!" -- @photojojo
"One of 10 Must-Have Apps for the iPhone Photographer" --
Tiny Planet Photos turns your photos into a sphere so that it looks like a tiny planet. A magical effect that will impress your friends! You can also reverse the effect and create a tiny tube. The app creates stereographic projections, a technique that usually takes a long time to create manually. With the app you can accomplish this in a single tap. A fun app to add to your collection of photo apps.
We're surrounded by tiny planets, use this app to see the world of tiny planets through your photos!
-- TIPS --
• Works great with classic landscape photos, but other types of photos can lead to surprising and exciting results too!
• Get great results by using Tiny Planet Photos in combination with panorama apps like Photosynth and 360 panorama. First make the panorama shot, then import it into Tiny Planet Photos from your camera roll and transform.
• Check out this video for inspiration:
• Experiment!
• Use photos from your camera roll.
• Launch the camera and take photos in the app itself.
• If you have panoramic photos or wide angle photos on your camera roll, you can use these as well.
• Generate a stereographic projection out of your photo: your tiny planet
• The app can also take your photos and turn it inside out into a tiny tube.
• Your Tiny Planets and Tiny Tubes are automatically collected in the in-app gallery: all your planets in one place to view and share (of course you can also delete planets from your gallery)
• Share your tiny planet photos on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, or via email.
• Save your photos to your camera roll.
• For those stereographic projection fans who want a quick way to make a tiny planet, this app creates tiny planets from just one shot. Stitching together multiple photos is not needed with this app.
• Purchase the extras pack for larger and configurable dimensions of your tiny planets and to be able to rotate them!
Twitter: @infodingapps #tinyplanet
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