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Topps Pennant Baseball 1.2.2
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Are you a South Sider? Member of the Brew Crew? Do you think chocolate is an essential ingredient for chili?
If you care about your favorite team, you’ll want Topps Pennant to relive all of your team’s greatest moments.
These aren’t just boring, static box scores. It’s play-by-play for 117,000 games and counting in elegant, interactive infographics designed for iPhone and iPad. That’s every play from 60 years ago up to the current season, with daily updates throughout the year.
Track your favorite team over time:
•How has their logo changed since 1952?
•How does their hitting and pitching performance in 1965 compare to 1987?
•What was their position in the standings 2 weeks ago and how’d they get to where they are today?
Relive your personal baseball history:
•What happened at your first ever game?
•How’d your favorite team do the day you were born?
•Did your favorite player get a hit on the day he signed that autograph for you?
Purchase Topps Pennant once and enjoy both the iPhone and iPad apps.
"...even if you already have an app you use for box scores, this one’s worth checking out."-TechCrunch
"The interface designed to examine statistics is really the game-changer."
"Topps Pennant is a baseball fan’s dream"-Apple'N'Apps
With Topps Pennant v1.2.1 we've resolved the "black screen" issue reported by our customers on the new iPad (iPad 3). A big "thank you" to these users for their feedback and patience.