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While He Was Away
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One year--he'll be gone for one year and then we'll be together again and everything will be back to the way it should be.
The day David left, I felt like my heart was breaking. Sure, any long-distance relationship is tough, but David was going to war--to fight, to protect, to put his life in danger. We can get through this, though. We'll talk, we'll email, we won't let anything come between us.
I can be on army girlfriend for one year. But will my sweet, soulful, funny David be the same person when he comes home? Will I? And what if he doesn't come home at all...?
"A tender and honest examination of love, longing, and loyalty in the face of modern war."--Laura Ruby, author of Bad Apple
"While He Was Away is a wonderful love story with writing that is skillful and true."--Amy Timberlake, author of That Girl Lucy Moon