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Wisepointbrowser5 1.0
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WisePoint is to strengthen individual authentication in accessing groupware,webmail, SFA etc through iPhone.
It realizes secured remote access with unique One Time Password and Single Ssign On for multiple web applications.
・No extra Id and Password input
WisePoint guarantees security and does not require redundant Id and Password input using Unique Identifier on iPhone devise.
・Two-factor authentication
WisePoint implements two-factor authentication using both imaging matrix and matrixed random numbers
・Single sign on for intranet web applications
WisePoint Single sign on realize to access intrarnet web applications without redundant Id and Password input.
WisePoint supports major groupware's such as desknet's, MS OutLook Web Access, Google Apps, cybozu etc, And major SFA and mail servers.
・WisePoint for iPhone is for customers who install WisePoint in own server environment.
・Customer who has installed the previous version requires WisePoint for iPhone
Development and sales
Falcon System Consulting, Inc.