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World Air Show 2
Screen Shots:
This set consists of the photographic images of Russian & Eastern European aircrafts, taken at the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS 2009, held at Zhukovsky, near Moscow, Russia in 2009.
Unfortunately, the weather on the day was not so kind to us the spectators, and hence the demo flights were forced to take low altitude with low degree of maneuver. However, few of those rare 'non western build' aircrafts took their flights, to entertain us. Enjoy.
(*) Wall paper
As for the photograph, preservation is possible to use it as wall paper.
I choose the favorite photograph and save it from a menu, and, please use it as wall paper.Permission of Camera is necessary.
(*) Photoframe
I automatically display a photograph as photoflame with a play button.
In the case of a photoframe, a schedule until four hours later of that time is displayed at a date and time.
I can set indication / non-indication of the / schedule from a menu at / time on a date.
When there are multiple schedules, I automatically change it in sequence and am displayed.
The schedule is displayed using the schedule data of the calendar in iPhone/iPad.Permission of the calendar is necessary.
All rights reserved by Yuichi Momose. (C)Yuichi Momose 2012