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Yesterday And Today 1.0
Screen Shots:
**Swipe to read along, record your own version of the story, explore and much more!
Follow the adventure series of The Little Tree Chinese Readers, written to meet the needs of a parent-child reading programme. Research has proven that such engagement greatly enhances children's language development. With an entire collection of Pearson Readers in the palm of your hand, learning Chinese has never been easier. What is more, it is a whole lot of fun!
“Change is a constant in the world we live in. This story takes a peek into how a child views events that occur in the past and present. Teach your child to embrace change. Suitable for children aged 8 and above.”
Ways to read Pearson Readers:
√Swipe-to-Read™ the words to listen and playback the story at your own pace.
√ Touch-to-Hear™ words spoken.
√ Touch-to-Spell™ individual narration of characters.
√ Use the My Narration function to read and record the story yourself.
Additional Features:
√Paint functions with undo abilities on each story page
√Interactive sound zones for children to discover
√Accelerometer features on selected pages
√Zoom-in and move-the-picture functions when you tap the move icon and pinch with two fingers
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