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Yk Sigorta 1.1
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Türkiye’nin her köşesine yayılmış 1.200’ü aşkın acentemizin yerlerini tespit edebilir ve direk iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
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With the Yapı Kredi Sigorta iPhone application, you can easily see the nearest contracted health care providers, medical doctors and repair shops around you, get directions and establish contact. You can also see the exact locations and contact information of our contracted healthcare providers and repair shops in other areas of the country.
Moreover, contact and location information on over 1,200 authorized Yapı Kredi Sigorta agencies distributed all over Turkey can be obtained through this application.
With a single touch you can reach our call center, emergency medical consulting line, central and regional head offices and access to our “Sample Premium Calculator” to get approximate quotes on our health insurance plans.