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Youko 1.3.0
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Social relationship manager for iPhone. Free for limited time.
Youko is a new kind of address book for your iPhone that makes it easy for you to manage and track the relationships that are most important to you. Youko spans your personal and business networks and turns your address book in a powerful relationship manager by supplementing your local address book with information about your key contacts from their Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts. Youko keeps you up to date on everything important that’s happening in your network. All in one place. Automatically.
With Youko, there’s no need to constantly check individual social media sites to stay up to date with your friends’ and business contacts’ activities. You can check all postings – timelines, updates, career changes, new business or industry developments – right from your address book. Youko also helps you cut through the social networking clutter, allowing you to follow those people that are of most interest and value to you.
Youko’s unique Social Compass feature allows you to gain valuable insight into your network. Who are the most active and influential people? What are the most discussed topics of interest to me? What industry developments are trending? The Social Compass can also you help you prepare for an upcoming meeting or business trip. Who do I know in Chicago in the media industry? What new developments in the energy business should I know about before my next call?
Youko also makes it easy to add new contacts. Simply point the built-in scanner at a business card and Youko will do the rest for you.
We respect our users' privacy concerns. Youko will never contact your friends without your permission and will never disclose your personal data to any third party business.