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Your Employability Transferable Skills 1.0.1
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How will this app benefit you?
It will help you to identify and convert into a CV the transferable skills and qualities (TS&Q) that today's employers expect their employees to have in addition to their qualifications.
For this reason, TS&Q are often called the 'differentiatiors' in choosing employees.
Whether you have work experience or not, your life experience will have provided you with a whole set of TS&Q that can make you sought after.
What do you get for your money?
* The app helps you to take stock of your transferable skills which you can pick up and take with you to any employer.
* In response to your answers, the app works out your CV for you and you can use this as it is, or you can email it to your computer to tailor and personalise in your word processing program.
* The app can be used again and again. Storing your different CVs is a good way to be ready for different job opportunities.
* The app supplies three different sample CVs for you to emulate if you wish.
* Use the app to keep updating your transferable skills – a good way to keep yourself motivated and to remind yourself how much value you offer an employer.
* In response to your answers, the app also identifies areas of strength and supplies tips on how you could ‘sell’ these strengths at interview.
* You can complete the app in your own time, doing it bit by bit if this suits you better than completing it in one go.
* If you are part of a team or the leader of a team where individuals have iPads, the app is a valuable way to take stock of the whole team’s strengths and gaps which can then be used as the basis for team development, feedback and analysis of the team’s transferable capability.