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Youtoo For Ipad 1.0
Screen Shots:
Be on TV using nothing more than your iPad!
Youtoo TV allows you the viewer to be on TV. Simply register, find a show in which you'd like to participate, and then record your 15-seconds video (we call them Fame Spots), (or) 30-seconds video(Peoplemercial) and hit submit. If your Fame Spot/Peoplemercial is accepted, we'll let you know when to tune in and see yourself on National TV. Even if your Fame Spot/Peoplemercial does not make it to television, you can link your youtooTV account to your Facebook, Twitter, or youtube accounts so that your Fame Spot/Peoplemercial may be seen on all of your Social Media venues.
In the first season of youtooTV, you can be seen on TV shows like:
The X-Files
The Green Hornet
Revision 3 Variety Hour
Digg Nation on Youtoo
KipKay TV
Geek Beat Live
LOL Pets!
Your Comedy Show
Say Yes! On TV
- Easy to Use
- Record your content in HD once, publish it to Facebook, Twitter and/or youtube simultaneously
- Social Stream function allows you to send your Social Shout to the lower third of the TV in text format
- Works with 3G or WiFi