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Best Call Recorder With Key For S60v5 And Symbian3 Anna Belle Signed
Screen Shots:
This is a fully customizable call recording application with rules for saving conversations for incoming/outgoing calls from known/unknown numbers. Unobtrusive and easy to use.
*. "No beep" recording option;
*. Automatic recording of voice calls, optionally limited or unlimited in time;
*. User defined storage memory for recorded conversations;
*. Custom rules allowing to automate call recording for different phone numbers and call directions;
*. Small memory and battery usage;
*. Easy-to-use and intuitive user interface;
How to start:
*. To have Best CallRecorder saving only those phone conversations you need, select Rules command from menu and setthe rules according to your requirements;
*. Open settings and customize the options you need;
*. Activate Best CallRecorder by click;
Records view:
The records view of Best CallRecorder shows all phone conversation records. Hereyou can listen to those records, delete them or get detailed information about a record. The list of operations with records is as follows:
*. Play a record. While playing a record, youcan change the volume with joystick left/right moves;
*. Call a contact or a phone number. If the highlighted record has a phone number associated with it, you can dial it even without exiting Best CallRecorder - just press the Call button or select this command from menu;
*. Properties - displays a dialog with detailed information about the record;
*. Send - allows sending selected records via Bluetooth, E-Mail etc;
*. Delete - deletes the marked records;
*. Delete all ;
*. Pack - deletes all records from the list which don't have a sound file associated with it (e.g. if it was manually deleted
*. Refresh - reloads the list of records;
Record rules:
Best CallRecorder allows creating the rules of following types:
*. Default - this rule will be put into action ifnone of the active rules is used;
*. Unknown - if caller's number is not in your Contacts, this rule will be used;
*. Contact - you can set a separate rule for aspecific contact;
*. Group - a rule for a group of contacts;
*. Phone - a rule for a phone number. You can use a mask for phone numbers. A match pattern can contain wildcard characters "*" and "?", where "*" matches zero or more consecutive occurrences of any character and "?" matches a single occurrence of any character.
'*111' - all numbers ending with 111;
'111*' - all numbers beginning with 111;
'12?34' - all numbers like 12034, 12134 ... 12934;
Each rule can have the following actions set to perform when the rule is matched:
*. Ask before record - if this action is selected, Best CallRecorder will ask you whether to record a phone call or not;
*. Record incoming calls - enable recording incoming calls;
*. Record outgoing calls - enable recording outgoing calls;
Note: If you haven't chosen any action or have chosen only Ask before record, this rule will be disabled.
Rules priority (in case you have any conflicting or overlapping rules):
*. Unknown;
*. Contact;
*. Group;
*. Phone;
*. Default.
In this dialog you can configure the following options:
*. Disable beep - allows to disable beeps during recording phone calls. Note: the quality of recording somewhat deteriorates while this option is on.
*. Record format (amr / wav)
*. Records memory (Phone memory / Memory card)
*. Max record time (unlimited / minutes:seconds)