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Best Private Conversation Neo V1.00
Screen Shots:
Compatible Nokia Phones Nokia C5 Nokia E5 Nokia E72
Nokia E63 Nokia E71 Nokia E73 Nokia E75 Nokia E52
Nokia E51 Nokia E66 Nokia E90 Nokia E55 Nokia E65
Nokia N73 Nokia N95 Nokia N96 Nokia N79 Nokia N86
Nokia N82 Nokia N85 Nokia N78 Nokia N81 Nokia N72
Nokia 6700 S Nokia 5730 Nokia 6120 Nokia 6760 Nokia 5320
Nokia 5630 Nokia 6790 Nokia 6220 Nokia 6730 Nokia 6720
Nokia 6710 N Nokia 6210 N Nokia X5-01
OS: S60 V3
You have secret connections and you wish to hide all traces of communication? Then this software is for you! This application allows hiding SMS messages, deleting records from system calls log, restricting access to the application by password and even notifying of new messages in a disguised manner.
You have secret connections and you wish to hide all traces of communication? Then this software is for you! This application allows hiding SMS messages, deleting records from system calls log, restricting access to the application by password and even notifying of new messages in a disguised manner.
* Different rules can be defined for processing different contacts, contact groups and phone numbers;
* Interception of incoming and outgoing messages and their transfer to application’s messages list;
* Automatic cleaning of system log;
* Automatic cleaning of application’s log;
* Sending messages and making calls directly from the application;
* Automatic hiding of the application after a defined period of time;
Note: SOFTWARE IS CLEAN BUT Its Keygen had VIRUSES SO IF YOU CAN FIND KEYGEN from somewhere else clean it will good for you.