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Chapters Notebooks For Writing 1.1.3
Screen Shots:
Chapters lets you create and manage multiple notebooks, each fully searchable and with its own settings.
Keep a travel journal, a photo log, a notebook about ongoing work projects, and your own personal diary in one app.
Manage writing projects. Create as many notebooks as you want and fill each with as much as you need to write. It's easy to create simple bullet lists and see a word count while you write.
You can lock notebooks you want to keep private.
Enable word count if you need it. You can also enable the extra keyboard buttons to jump forward and backward by word or character with a single tap, saving you precious time and letting you focus on writing.
Here's what you can do:
* Autosave
* Write comfortably in any orientation
* Protect private notebooks with a passcode
* Simple bullet list support
* Turn on word count if you need to know how much you've written
* Adjust your text per notebook (shade, font, size)
* Pick a background color to color code your notebooks
* Pick from a few paper colors
* Fast search with contextual snippets
* Rename each notebook by tapping its title
* Add photos from your photo library, float them on the page
* Resize and rotate photos, slide them around
* Export any notebook entry via email with a single tap
* Create a PDF version of a single entry (or all of them)
* Optionally show timestamps on each entry
* You can export the text of an entire notebook easily for safekeeping
* Use the calendar to look for entries, tap to read
* Create backups that will let you restore in case you lose your data
* Mark entries with timestamps
* ...and more
Please note that drawing/handwriting aren't supported.
Here's how you can get help:
Email me any time at steven.romej at gmail. You can also write to me from within the app. I look forward to hearing from you!
Not interested in managing multiple notebooks? Have a look at Chronicle for iPad, an app that focuses on keeping a single personal journal.