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Devonthink To Go 1.4.2
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NOTE: DEVONthink To Go is a COMPANION to DEVONthink and DEVONnote for the Mac. It can be used stand-alone but unfolds its full potential ONLY when used in conjunction with these applications.
DEVONthink on the Mac keeps your documents organized. But what about when you are away from your keyboard? Put your documents into your pocket with DEVONthink To Go, the DEVONthink and DEVONnote companion for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. DEVONthink is the #1 pro tool on the Mac for document and information management and is used by information workers in education, research, law, consulting, and governments to home, small, and medium offices.
With DEVONthink To Go you are more productive:
- Browse, view, and search your documents with the touch of your finger.
- Create new notes or take a picture of important information and convert it to a searchable PDF (requires DEVONthink Pro Office on the desktop).
- Take your DEVONthink or DEVONnote databases with you. Use the 'Sync' group to select only those groups and documents that are important for you.
- Use the global inbox to write down your notes without the need to immediately decide where to file it. If you use GTD you will know the idea.
- Quickly access all recently used items or view them as pin on a map. DEVONthink To Go stores your current location with every note you create on the go.
- Use the fast full text search to find the document you need with just a few taps. Use the power of SQLite on your mobile device.
- DEVONthink To Go honors the 'read' status of its Mac counterpart and can even be used as a simple news feed reader.
- Set a password for your databases on your Mac and keep them from prying eyes on your iPad or iPhone.
Use DEVONthink To Go as the companion to DEVONthink on the Mac to:
- Organize your paperless office
- Take archived correspondence, letters, invoices with you
- Write down ideas or enumerate tasks
- Extend your Getting Things Done workflow to your mobile device
- Capture bits of information with the iPhone’s camera or from the web
- Never again enter information twice
DEVONthink To Go displays plain text and rich text documents, images, bookmarks, web archives and HTML documents. You can create and edit plain text documents as well as take pictures with the device's built-in camera.
Learn more about DEVONthink To Go and how to get started on the DEVONtechnologies web site.
DEVONthink To Go supports TextExpander touch snippet expansion.