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Screen Shots:
Draw a circle
Draw rectangle
Reset size
Transparent cover
90 degrees clockwise
Upside down
Swap left and right
Camera to take Figure
Dodge deepen
Black and White
Neon light
Chalk drawing
Brush transparency
Background Color
Foreground color
Menu Settings
Copy pixels
Random-pixel map
Random line map
Vertical Wave
Level of wave
Round cut
Folded around
Fold down
Transparent edge
Inverted image
Under the virtual real
Under the virtual real
Left Right virtual reality
Corners transparent
Internal Transparency
Random Transparent
Red Channel
Green Channel
Blue Channel
Vertical adjustment
Level adjustment
Upper contraction
Lower systolic
Central level
Vertical middle
Linear gradient
Radial Gradient
1. Open the image files of all directory (not including system folders, mobile phone security restrictions
2. Removal of unwanted effects of the original 3D (0 key pop-up) menu
3. (Right) tool to increase: outline feature extraction
4. (Right) effects to add: generate mask, ghost function
5. (Right) Three-dimensional increase:
1) The perfect pyramid, and the function name changes to Tri-vertebral
2) around the map
3) Scene
4) drum
5) Cone
6) round cake