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Event Logger Hd 1.3
Screen Shots:
The indispensable app for keeping track of personal and professional events in your life.
Have you ever thought about:
When is the last time you did something?
How often you do it?
How often something happens to you?
Or you observe something?
Do you need to keep track of:
Personal events?
Professional events?
Social events?
Medical data?
Product Sales?
Do you need to tell ...
your doctor: when and how often you've experienced symptoms?
your partner: how often, on average, you do things together?
your business associate: your average weekly sales overtime?
If your answer is YES! Then you'll love this app.
As one customer told us: "Frankly, your app is one of those gems that you don't even know you need until you start using and then can't imagine life without it".
- Define any number of events.
- Log any number of event occurrences.
- Attach notes to occurrences.
- Attach numerical data to occurrences.
- Log occurrences as they happen.
- Easily enter past occurrences.
- Filter occurrences by keywords.
- Global keyword search
- Protect events with passwords.
- Plot the time between occurrences.
- Plot daily, weekly and monthly summaries
- Get frequency of occurrences statistics.
- Get statistics for numerical data.
- Backup / restore data to your computer.
- Email event logs.
- Export logs in CSV format.
- Tweet from the app.
- Classify events into Groups.
- With an easy to learn, intuitive interface.
In addition to having a completely new interface and additional features, this iPad version of Event Logger is data compatible with the iPhone version.