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Evermeeting 1.4
Screen Shots:
evermeeting is the application that improves the productive management of your meetings. Bye bye pen, bye bye paper!
"If you hate meetings then you’ll be glad to see that Evermeeting, a new iOS app, could be a good fit. Evermeeting helps record meeting, assign tasks and notes to various constituents, create and share an agenda, create attendee lists, and generally streamline the experience of sitting in a room with other people." TECHCRUNCH
Here's how.
It's an easy-to-use App that will enable you to create, record, and share your meetings in a very simple way.
You can create an agenda, take notes, introduce marks and tasks… it's all easy, fast and visual, generating a logical timeline of everything that you deem important, as if it were the minutes of a meeting.
evermeeting is truly a powerful recording system on the cloud. You can record a meeting with the peace of mind of having no time limits or issues of storage space in your device.
Additionally, you can link the audio to your own notes: this way you will combine your notes and audio accurately and intelligently.
evermeeting also allows you to share your meetings with whoever you want the minute you create them.
"There is no resident information in the device. This greatly improves knowledge management security against potential device or information loss."
Main Features:
· Create the agenda
· Take notes
· Introduce marks
· Insert tasks
· Share all your information with your contact list
· Recording system on the cloud
· Audio upload only with WiFi connectivity
· Playback system linked to the meeting timeline
· Top quality transcription tool