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Foreca Weather 1.4.1
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Foreca Weather, is a mobile application/software through which you will be able to get the latest weather details from your city or country or even your neighborhood!! The kind of weather information that is actually important to you can be configured accordingly as you wish and what’s more is that you can integrate Foreca Weather with your regular calendar mobile application or software and be updated automatically every time!
Foreca Weather lets you check the present scenario of the weather around you in details, it also lets you compute and collect information regarding what is about to happen in terms of weather for the next six hours. In short it also lets you gather information on the forecast for the next 10 days straight and lets you see the the weather cloud radar for the United States of America and all of the Northern Europe.
Besides these, some other handy and useful features of this smartphones based super smart software are humidity and precipitation (or rain) forecast for the next few days almost instantly with the press of a single button. It also have the wind speed and direction forecast for your city or any other as it supports more than 80 thousand cities worldwide.
It also let’s you see cloudiness level for any country in the world so waiting for the major news channel like CNN or BBC is no longer necessary with this mobile weather application installed on your cell phones and handhelds. Lastly, it does one more amazing thing!! It shows you symbols maps for every single element I mentioned about the weather above so that you, me or anyone who has absolutely zero understanding about weather terms can easily understand the information.