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Soulver The Notepad Calculator 2.5.2
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Soulver is the ultimate app for doing quick calculations and figuring stuff out on the iPhone & iPad. It's a far more elegant way to work with numbers than a traditional calculator.
With Soulver, you write out your entire problem and you see your answer as you type. If you make a mistake, you don't have to start again, you can edit your expression like in a text editor.
You can do calculations over multiple lines, and change any of them. You can use words alongside your numbers so they make sense which it's great for comparing different scenarios.
Soulver is great for adding things up, and doing quick percentages. Soulver will also save your work for you when you're done, and sync it using iCloud or Dropbox.
Once you try Soulver, you'll never want to go back to a simulated physical calculator.
- Instant calculations as you type.
- See & edit multiple lines of calculations, not just the last number typed in.
- Use words alongside your numbers so they make sense.
- See a running total of all your lines.
- A keyboard with big buttons, designed for quick math.
- Do currency & other unit conversions.
- Easy percentages like $49.95-20%, or $55 as a % of $350
- Set up relationships between lines like in a spreadsheet using line references.
- All the standard math functions
- Save your calculations & have them synced with Dropbox or iCloud.
- Send out beautifully formatted HTML emails of your calculations work.