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I Sms V1.11beta2 1.11
Screen Shots:
iSMS AllInOne Beta2 is a new and improved application with rewitten interface UI, chat conversations, resulting in a more smooth scrolling effect. Free-iSMS displays your messages in threads, it can schedule your messages, and it can send fake messages to your inbox too. The fake messaging option of Free- iSMS works much better than Fake Messages and ActiveFile.
Key Features:
- New skin format support, more easily create a personalized love messages.
- Simplified skin production, installation and management functions, the skin used to choose the way coverflow, the skin effect of real time preview, dynamic presentation.
- Chat dialogue interface add a picture expression support, send messages to visualize bubble selection and insertion.
- Contact Interface Add ââ¬Åto add, clear pictureââ¬Â function, support jpg, png and other common image formats, picture settings and contacts within the contact head independently, and supports batch import picture.
- Added functionality to ignore iPhone style tips: 3rd edition phones can be prompted by the # key closed, 5th Edition mobile phone users can click the upper right corner of the red cross tips off tips, but does not change the state of new information.
- For 5th Edition Touch platform, the contact interface, new gesture support: contact entries on the left in the program contacts the right plan can be labeled and unmark operation.
New Function:
- iSMS add fetion function, It will convenient for the user to use.
- iSMS support using fetion number to login fetion function.
- Auto start for fetion function:fetion function will auto start after you setting fetion configurations.
- Double click will insert expression on flatform Symbian S60 5th and Symbian^3.
User feeling optimization:- Function of start-flash- screen in iSMS have been moved to "about" option.
New platform adaptation:- Correct the problem that fetion function can't be used on platform Symbian^3.
- Correct the problem that when you connect to wap that ask you to choose access point many times on platform Symbian^3.
- Correct the problem that iSMS don't support secret contact person function on platform Symbian^3.
Problem fixed:
- Fix the problem that iSMS will crash when you open expression function.
- Fix the problem that iSMS can't save the setting of skin details.
- Fix the problem that iSMS will dial the number when you touch the Green key on contact list on platform Symbian S60 5th and Symbian^3.
- Fix the problem that iSMS will activate long-press shortcut menu function when select secret contact person function.
- Fix the problem when no network access point , iSMS will display error.
- Added a holiday SMS-Box: you can download it in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English then update using internet connection
- Added Fake messages management
- Added ability to use random contact avatars.