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Templates For Keynote Pro 5.0
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Templates for Keynote Pro is the ultimate Add-On for Apple's famous Keynote application on the iPad and iPhone. With over 30 carefully designed Keynote Templates, including more than 650 slides, you are definitely ready for your next presentation. Export every template quick and easy to your Keynote app and start working on your presentations in just a few seconds.
Get the largest collection of professional, polished Keynote slides available on the App Store! Every template contains customizable slides for tables, pictures, charts, diagrams, quotes and many more.
The app is designed straightforward. Find the right style, export it into the Keynote app and insert your content.
Six different categories ranging from simple to sophisticated, from fancy to functional, give you the freedom to express yourself. Once you get the idea, there are no limits to your imagination.
Keynote is the best way to edit world-class presentations with custom graphics, fantastic animations and effects on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. With Templates for Keynote Pro, Keynote gets even better.
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