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Iaff Foundation Pro Calendar 3.3.0
Screen Shots:
IAFF Foundation Pro-Calendar: Shift Calendar/Organizer - Designed by a firefighter for firefighters
**NOTE: You must purchase the app after 30 days to continue using all of the features. This app was developed, paid for and supported by Pro-Calendar™ with approval of the IAFF. For more info check out our website:
The International Association of Fire Fighters and Pro-Calendar™ have teamed together and are excited to announce the release of the IAFF Foundation Fire Fighter Calendar/Organizer App. The most advanced App for scheduling and tracking critical job related information currently available for Fire Fighters.
BACKGROUND: Our mobile app is based off our popular 48 page pocket shift calendar/organizer which retails for $15.00. Available at $6.99 for a 12 month subscription, the IAFF Pro-Calendar app is an even better value at over 50% off compared to our calendar/organizers. For less than half the price you get twice the value of our paper product!
The IAFF Pro-Calendar is a powerful software program developed for the iPhone and specifically designed to program unique fire fighter color-coded shift schedules and track various work related activities important to today’s Fire Fighter.
Please note that this is a somewhat complex app, and may take some time to learn. We have created many tutorials ( for all of the features as well as included an area to email us in the help section. Please do not hesitate to ask us for help.
Track Real Time Balances:
•Shift trades
•Sick time
•Comp time
•Vacation time
Calendar Specific Features:
•Custom to your color-coded shift schedule
•Add Kelly and Debit day cycles
•Payday cycles
•Set reoccurring appointments with individual alarms
Exposure - Incident Logs:
•Haz Mat
•Other incidents
Quickly record vital information related to exposures--a critical component when dealing with presumptive disease documentation.
Highlighted Features Include:
•Alarm mode reminders for important appointments, meetings and dates
•Automatic adjustments of accrual rates for sick time and vacation hours tied to your specific pay periods
The IAFF Foundation is comprised of the following:
•IAFF Burn Foundation
•Disaster Relief Fund
•Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial Foundation
•John P. Redmond Foundation
•McClellan Scholarship Fund
We appreciate your continued support and plan to support this app fully. There are many new features and updates planned for the future.
Special Thanks to Gamma Point LLC ( for all their exceptional work on this project. We could not have created this app without their skills and expertise in developing mobile applications.