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Landscape Wallpapers Set Hd 1.0
Screen Shots:
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Landscape Wallpapers Set HD is an award-winning app that helps you customize the look of your device by giving you an exclusive selection of specially designed backgrounds, icon skins, app shelves, neon combos and many other eye candies.
You no longer have to set the image you prefer first and then go back to the Home screen and see how it looks with the icons on it. Pimp Your Screen has an instant preview feature that allows you to quickly preview your new background or app shelf.
* Retina resolution images for iPhone 4/4S, iPod touch 4th gen and the new iPad
* Standard resolution images for iPhone/3G/3GS, iPod touch and iPad/iPad 2
* Icon Skins/App Shelves/Neon Combos
* A million different combinations, variety is the spice of life
* Categorized view
* New and Popular tabs
* Landscape and Portrait images available for iPad
* Share your screens on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or email
* Lock Screen Maker
* Home Screen Maker
* Universal application, install once, use it across all devices
Bring some color and glow into your everyday life and change the look of your device every single day. It's time to Pimp Your Screen!