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Keeper Hd 1.1
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★ Keeper HD - Write it down.
In response to high demand, we are re-releasing Keeper HD, the best-selling notepad app for iPad. Keeper HD is a slick text editor with all the essential features and none of the cruft which gets between you and getting an idea out of your head and onto your Mac.
Fitted with a clean, hi-tech theme, Keeper HD lets you quickly jot down notes and information in long-form, then email them to yourself to take them to the next level.
✔ Pinch to resize font
✔ Email notes as export
✔ Undo/redo - reliable and easy to use
✔ Search, in a flat directory. No lost notes in endless folders of folders.
✔ Auto-title and edit dates - you just focus on taking the note and Keeper HD will do all the work of managing them.
Keeper HD greatly simplifies the perennial challenge of good type-based note-taking on iPad. But don't be fooled - under the hood is the incredibly powerful engine driving our flagship Note Hub product line, iPad's most complete office suite.
Thanks and please feel free to contact with any questions, or follow our support links at the right.