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Tapnotes Free Meeting Recorder 1.01
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Tapnote allows people who record meetings, lectures or interviews with their iPhones or iPads to quickly play back the exact segments they need. Gone are the days of playing back hours of recorded audio just to find a few specific statements. While recording with TapNotes, users can simply touch the screen when they hear something that they want to review later, or retroactively capture the point in the presentation by tapping "back" 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds or a minute. Once time stamped, they can create a note about its relevance or go back and annotate the note later. The notes, and summaries, are integrated with a calendar feature so that all of your notes can be found by date.
Afterwards, users can tap any note to jump to that exact spot of the recording. This allows users to quickly replay the key information and save time by skipping less important parts. It also allows users to store, export, and print notes summaries to capture meeting information. TapNotes is great for journalists, lawyers, businesspeople, students and anyone else who regularly records audio.
-While recording, annotate audio recorded 15, 30, 45 or 60 seconds previously
-Enter a few words to create a note that describes that part of the recording
-TapNotes organizes recordings and notes by date and time
-During playback, tap any note to jump to that exact spot of the recording
-While replaying, expand any note you entered while recording
-Email a summary of each recording’s notes for printing or importing into other documents