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Carrr Matey 1.0
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••• Free for a limited time! •••
By popular demand, we bring Carrr Matey™ to the iPhone! We're celebrating the app's launch and giving it away for free! Full app, NO advertisements - all free. Download while this promotion lasts, the price will soon increase.
Carrr Matey is a fun app with a serious mission. What's the mission? To help you avoid parking tickets and to make sure you'll always remember your way back to your car (or to your campsite, or to buried treasure, etc). What makes it fun? It's pirate themed! You are the captain, your car is a pirate ship, and you find your way back with the help of a magic compass!
What can you do with Carrr Matey™?
•Save any location (parking spot, camp grounds, etc) for later backtracking
•Get compass and map directions
•Set parking timer
•Share location with friends
•Keep a travel log
•Make parking notes (for when parking in multistory garages)
Give us a try. We hope that you will truly enjoy the experience and that you'll soon think of Carrr Matey™ as "car mate"... and much more. Yarrr! and thanks for checking us out.