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Listbook Lists Done Right 5.2
Screen Shots:
Lists, things to do or to remember - with ListBook and its elegant user interface, creating as many lists as you want is a breeze.
Main features:
- Universal app (for iPhone and iPad) with iCloud sync between iOS and OSX devices
- Notifications: set reminders on your list items
- Recurring reminders
- Location based reminders
- Move list items to other lists
- Send lists via email or AirDrop, the recipient can open them in ListBook.
- Send lists as text over iMessage
- Import TXT files
- Tag items with different colors to highlight them
- Create as many lists as you want (and sort them)
- Assign category icons to your lists to distinguish them from each other
- Colorize each of your lists with a bunch of beautiful colors
- Optimized for Voice Over
Innovative gestures and shortcuts:
- Pull to quickly create a new list or list item
- Press the small + button to quickly add multiple items
- Swipe right in the detail view to go back
Other features:
- Hide finished tasks
- Change font size in settings
- For every list you can decide whether to show unchecked items on the badge or not
- Sort the list items, delete all, select all
- ListBook is optimized for Voice Over with all translated languages bellow

ListBook is translated in, English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Dutch, Russia, Japanese, Korean, Chinese(Traditional), Chinese(Simplified)
ListBook works perfectly with the ListBook Mac app on the MacAppStore