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Luomc Lightctrl V1.51
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The program is mainly used to control the screen and keyboardlighting, which can effectively save energy. Support the main screen, Vice-screen, keyboard and vice principal keyboard. Theprogram runs only when the state can play a role in the control, or by choosing to return to running in the background state can be achieved. Support Chinese and English. Theoretically support all the S60third edition mobile phones, including the FP1 and FP2 Optional control method is as follows: By the time-out control All lighting is controlled by the by the overtime, working hours,as well as control the various lights *** decision, if thereis no overtime, and during working hours, lighting control,or not controlled From state control: If prospects have a program is running, the main screen Changliang lights, or lighting control by the system, but are still subject to restrictions on working hours. Note: The standby mode and the menu is not controlled. Keyboard is locked, the lights are not controlled Control procedures to support the three-screen background lights the way: Close lights: Effective work in the time frameto close the lights. Open the lights: Effective work in the time frame, open the light, while the use of screen brightness settings. Controlled by the system: Lighting control by the system, but its impact on overtime by this procedure, the actual timeout to set up than the system length. Change-log In the N95/N82 and other models to solve the flicker problem, but it needs the support of eight devices