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Mbpointerhd 1.0
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Why buy an expensive remote control for your PowerPoint presentation? This simple and instinctive application can turn your iPad into a wireless PowerPoint slide show remote control. It allows you to move the cursor/pen by using the wireless touch pad, add and erase annotations, easily navigate through slides and much more...
1. Wireless touch pad includes all typical touch pad functions plus multi-touch support. You can use two finger tap on the screen to perform right click and two finger slide on the screen to perform vertical scrolling.
2. Built-in remote file browser and launcher allows you to launch the PowerPoint presentation remotely.
3. Supports most of PowerPoint slide show shortcut keys.
4. Can be used as a wireless touch pad for your PC/Mac.
5. Includes a magnifying glass function in the receiver application. Small objects can now be easily viewed.
6. Add annotations using the pen.
7. Includes a timer to time the presentation.
8. Support Ad Hoc network.
9. Auto search for receiver's IP address.
1. Computer must be running Windows XP/Vista/Win7 or Mac OSX 10.5 Intel.
2. Receiver application must be installed and running on your computer.
3. The iPad and your computer must be on the same local area network.
4. PowerPoint 2003/2007/2010 for Windows or PowerPoint 2008 for Mac OSX.
The receiver application can be downloaded at: