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Myrouterspro Sshtelnetpingtraceroute 1.5.7
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MyRoutersPro is specifically designed for network administrators of Cisco & Juniper (M/T) routers to simplify login and access to command line interface (CLI) through the iPhones when they are working off-site.
•SSH-2 and Telnet access to remote hosts or routers
•allows access to non-standard ports
•supports SSH authentication by passwords or public key
•allows import of public and private key pair
•stores router credentials with strong encryption
•one-touch login
•configurable to ask for password before login if user prefers
•master password to prohibit invalid access to the app and login data
•supports up to five concurrent login sessions
•provides three command sets which can be edited as normal text files by users (effectively supports unlimited number of macros)
•customized commands can be imported to the command sets by copy-and-paste from other apps, e.g. Mail
•well-designed user interface to minimize typing when accessing to routers' CLI
•logs can be saved for subsequent review or sent out through in-app mail function
•user-selectable font types and sizes
•supports portrait and landscape modes
•Ping and Traceroute are implemented (to run from the iPhone) as supplementary tools for troubleshooting
•supports simultaneous pings to multiple targets
•supports reverse DNS lookup in Traceroute
Note: SSH-1 is not supported.