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Neu.draw 1.7
Screen Shots:
If you are one of those creative people who are always thinking about new ideas and new designs, and need something to capture your creative ideas, neu.Draw is the tool for you.
Using our export to Dropbox feature you can take illustrations into other apps including bringing your illustrations to life using Sparkol VideoScribe.
neu.Draw's simple and intuitive user interface allows you to focus on the design itself. Draw a rough sketch with your finger, adjust those curves, and color them. Don't worry about the detail, be creative!
Use neu.Draw during a meeting, in a class, on a bus, during a coffee break, and in a park. Nobody can stop your creativity!
neu.Draw is the easiest to use vector drawing / illustration app in the store. Designed from the ground up for the touch interface of iOS devices. neu.Draw is designed for everybody - easy to use
Draw illustrations, diagrams, icons and much more, with ease.
neu.Draw's intuitive, polygon-based, curve-editing enables the direct manipulation of curves with multiple fingers. It is easy, fun and quick!
Export illustration in SVG format, which is freely scalable and perfect for HTML5 deployment. (Notes: version 1.0 does not export text elements in SVG format; this will be supposed in future version).
Feature Summary:
- Freehand Pencil
- Line segment
- Shapes (Line, Arc, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Spiral, Arrows, Callout, Cloud)
- Import Images (rotate, scale, transparency)
- Curve Editing
- Alignment
- Spacing
- Z-Order Arrangement
- Color picker (HSB, RGB)
- Gradient editor
- Font picker (font, color, size, alignment)
- Snap to Grid
- Group
- Lock / Unlock
- Undo / Redo
- Email / Export vector-based PDF files
- Email / Export SVG files
- Email / Export PNG and JPEG images
- Tweet JPEG images to TwitPic
- Import/Export from/to iTunes, DropBox, Box, WebDAV
- Edit tags for multiple documents
- Import images at full resolution
- AirPrint printer support
- Post to Facebook
- Read-only documents
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