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Out Of Office For Outlook 1.0.1
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Forgot to set your out of office before you left work? No problem. Our app lets you turn it on direct from your iPhone.
What does Out of Office do?
Out of Office lets you set your Outlook auto replies from your iPhone. So next time it won't matter if you forget to set it before leaving work!
The app gives you all the functionality you're used to in Outlook, including the ability to:
• Turn messages on or off
• Set new out of office messages, or edit existing ones
• Compose different messages for internal and external recipients
• Schedule when to send messages
So if you’ve gone on holiday and forgotten to switch on the out of office assistant, you can do it wherever you are.
For Out of Office to work you must have a Microsoft Exchange email account (2007 or later) and be able to access it via Outlook Web Access. The app supports iOS 4.0 and above.
Q: What versions of Exchange do you support?
A: Exchange 2007 and 2010.
Q: How do I find out my account settings?
A: If you have your email set up on your iPhone or iPad, you can just copy the settings from the Mail application. You can find your settings in “Settings” > “Mail, Contacts, Calendars” > (Account Name) > “Account”.
If you know how to access your email online with Outlook Web Access, you can use the same settings for the Out of Office app. Visit our support page for more information.
If you have forgotten the address of your online email, and you use Outlook 2010, you can find the address in Outlook. The address can be found on the “File tab”, in the “Account Settings” section, under “Access this account on the web.”
If you don't have your email set up on your iPhone or iPad, and you don't know how to access your email online, you will have to ask your company's email administrator for your account settings.
Q: Are my username and password safe?
A: Yes. All connections with your company’s server are encrypted with SSL. Unlike the Mail application we do not allow unencrypted connections. Your saved password is encrypted on your iPhone or iPad.