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Pdf2office Lite 1.2.0
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PDF2Office Lite is the PDF Converter for the iPad.
Convert your PDFs to RTF and Text files and have them editable on the iPad.
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PDF2Office Lite converts PDF files into editable RTF and Text files recreating the intended construction of the document; forming paragraphs and applying styles; automatically without any manual intervention.
PDF2Office Lite also provides detailed options for fine-tuning the conversion process. You can convert the entire PDF file or specify a range of pages to convert to the RTF and Text format.
PDF2Office Lite comes with a fully integrated PDF viewer allowing you to view the file you want to convert.
* Convert PDFs to editable RTF and Text files
* Read PDF Files using the integrated PDF viewer showing Layout or Text preview.
* Mark just the area within a page to convert. You can convert the marked area to all supported formats.
* Use standard Pinch in/Pinch Out to change the viewing magnification
* Use the all-in-1 interface to Convert and View PDF files.
* The converted result is easily editable by any application on the iPad
* Transfer your converted files to and any other software
* Convert the entire file or a range of pages only
* Convert multiple PDFs by selecting the required files to convert.
Recosoft is the developer of PDF2Office the de-facto PDF conversion software for the Mac, PDF2ID the PDF-to-InDesign converter and ID2Office, the InDesign to Word/PowerPoint tool. Refer to our web site to view the entire desktop line of products that we are now bringing to the iOS.
Note: PDF2Office does not perform Optical Character Recognition. An image in a PDF file is treated as an image.