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Puffin Experience 2.0.1
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Puffin Experience is a free app powered by the Puffin Web Browser. Puffin Experience is an example on how an enterprise can leverage the Puffin Web Browser for its employees, partners, and customers to access its desktop-centric web sites on iPads and iPhones.
Puffin Experience is not a free preview of the paid Puffin Web Browser. If you are a consumer, please do not download the free Puffin Experience as a tryout of the paid Puffin Web Browser. You will be disappointed because Puffin Experience can only access a very limited set of web sites. On the contrary, if you are high up in an enterprise, and paid for the Puffin Web Browser, and liked it so much that you want everyone associated with your company to use the Puffin Web Browser, please download the Puffin Experience to see what the Puffin Web Browser can do for your enterprise.
In a nutshell, Puffin Experience allows “all mobile users to access your web site freely” where “free” is defined as in “free lunch”, while Puffin Web Browser allows “paid users to access all web sites freely” where “free” is defined as in “free speech”.
We are constantly adding features and improving stability of the product. We would love to hear from you! The best way to give us your feedback is to post on our Facebook page so that we can provide you timely assistance.
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+ Render the full version of webpages extremely fast through cloud computing
+ Great support for Flash websites
+ Good support for Flash games
+ OK support for Flash videos
+ Full-screen display
+ Easy access to bring up virtual keyboard
+ Legacy mouse support as virtual touch mouse
+ Puffin Experience only supports a very limited set of websites
+ Work best with WiFi connection
+ Geo-restricted web contents outside US may not be accessible since our data centers are located in US