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Design Templates For Personal Mobile Sites Seasons 2.3
Screen Shots:
This App features web page templates for HTML Egg, your favorite iOS Web Page Creator app.
Designed exclusively for mobile devices, these templates are tailored for small screens and leverage the left most 320 to 450 pixels of the screen space. This App is bundled with four themes with a total of 24 templates.
How To Use
Templates are designed to provide guidance on style and layout. Some of the templates also include dummy text content. To use these templates in your own site, simply customize the text, also do not forget to replace any necessary links such as emails and Twitter user names.
These templates can be edited in any source code editor and can also be opened directly in HTML Egg, a WYSIWYG web page creator App for iOS devices.
Themes Included
Spring Mobile - simple and intuitive. This is a great layout for those wanting a nice and clean navigation. This is perfect for a personal site for sections for profile, photo and blog.
Summer Mobile - Warm, relaxing and fun. The summer theme is tailored for a site tracking your summer outdoor activities with sections such as Photos, Movies, Play and Picnic.
Thanksgiving Mobile - Pumpkin orange with a dark red shade is THE color for autumn. This is a special theme designed just for the holiday occasion.
Winter Mobile - Black and white, simple and clear. This theme is suitable for those who wants a very readable site with a focus on clear headers and text content.
Please note this App contains web page templates, they are not meant for the Pages app.