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Python Final Official Os8.1
Screen Shots:
Brothers as we know for s60v2 last python officel update is 1.45 after 1.45 no any officel update for s60v2,
so this is the update ver of officel 1.45 by some Russian modder for that i'm not removing his names in deion ,
this is a single file for installing python in phone so enjoy this update release
Deion :-
English Translation
From Russian
Python Full Pack v2.0.
by izi86 Updated by metalyst
Added new modules for some programs- Added log-files Installation Pyhon'aasduring the installation of some programs needed The original log-file Pyhon'a and Shell, other wise installation program to give an error- In the Application Manager will appear> Python 1.45 FP1,2,3> PythonShell 1.45 FP1,2,3> Python Modules Pack 1.33b with removal of which will be deleted one or another component of the system
module (v1.2) Author:JOIN_MEmodule wf.pyc (v1.2) and lark.pycauthor: weber-wmodule es7.pyd author: man197module zntxhanpyd.pyd author: ZntxPDAmodule fileutils.pydmodule symbianutil.pymodule dialog.pydmodule fy_manager.pyetc.
Assembly includes:
Python 1.45 FP1,2,3
PythonShell 1.45 FP3 Python Modules Pack 1.33b PyExpatSeries60 2.0
Python Installer 1.14*************
Thanks for assistance in assembling JOIN_ME*************
The assembly can be installed in phone memory or on a flash card.