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Sms Forwader Unsigned Version
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SMS Forwarder can forward incoming short messages to another mobile phone automatically.
Most mobile communication operators provide call forwarding service so we can forward our call from a phone to another. But few operators provide short message forwarding service. How to solve the problem? SMS Forwarder is the answer.
SMS Forwarder is a software that works on your phone and forwards incoming short messages to other cellular phones. The software reads every incoming message and then sends out a new message to your desired target phone numbers. The new message includes original incoming message content and its sender information.
ere are some key features of "SMS Forwarder Pro (S60 3rd/5th Edition)
÷ Forward all incoming SMS to another phone number.
÷ Forward all incoming SMS to a group of phone numbers.
÷ Forward incoming message from a specific phone number.
÷ Forward incoming message from a group of specific phone numbers.
÷ Start automatically when phone is powered on.
÷ Support any SMS encoding (GSM 7bit/8bit/Unicode).
÷ Forwarding can be open/close manually at any time.
÷ Information of original message sender (phone number and his/her name) is also forwarded.
÷ Support SMS delivery report configuration.
÷ Symbian S60 3rd Edition
What's New in This Release:-
÷ NEW: Enhanced black/white list.
÷ NEW: Add language pack: Farsi.
÷ FIX: Restrictive word cannot be saved
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