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Tapscanner Pro Qr Code Scanner 1.27
Screen Shots:
QR Code Scanner - Fast and Accurate
For anyone experiencing crashes after upgrade, please restart your device, this will fix a bug in the keychain. Fix coming.
Works on iPhone 4, iPhone 3Gs and iPod Touch (4th Gen.) with iOS 4.
Fast, accurate decoder.
Simple, intuitive user interface operates in both portait and landscape modes.
Capture auto-launch and capture. No shutter release necessary.
Capture in portrait/landscape mode.
Single and multiple capture modes, with one-click toggle.
Zone system allows codes to be decoded that are in close proximity to others - pages of codes, for example.
Custom capture sound/vibration settings include "Quiet" mode.
Email can be composed within the application using captured email information.
SMS text messages can be composed within the application using captured SMS information.
Telephone calls (iPhone 4/3Gs only) are initiated from within the application.
Decodes vCard and meCard business cards and contact information, and allows one-click import into the standard Address Book.
Code content is archived for later use and post-processing.
Custom settings allow faster capture and scanning.