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Tree Notepad With Calculatorweb Browser And Reminders 3.1
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¥¥¥¥TOP 100 Productivity US App Store !!!!!¥¥¥
Tree Notepad is a powerful note-taking app that integrates calculator,web browser and reminders with a clean and intuitive interface.
Tree Notepad makes taking a note easier than any other notepad and memo app. It gives you a quick and simple notepad editing experience when you write notes, memo, email, message, shopping list and todo list.
Tree Notepad provides a built-in calculator placed right next to your notes.Every time you want to do a calculation you can just do it from inside the app,with no need to open a calculator app.
Search the web and read your notes at the same time.With the built-in web browser you can add information from the web right into your notes with no need to open safari or you can login to a site with the passwords that you keep into Tree Notepad.
Need to set a reminder for your note?Tree Notepad lets you do so quickly and easily.Just write a short message,set date and time and that’s all.Don’t waste time using the the calendar to add an event or using the clock to create a new alarm.
Tree Notepad was designed with simplicity and functionality.Stunning graphics make capturing ideas easy and awesome.Move betweens notes with swipes,change theme colors,organize your apps based on the ones you use the most.
Tree Notepad is the only note taker app that combines calculator,web-browser,reminders and a completely clean and intuitive interface.
It packs a powerful productivity punch!!!