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Wikinotepad For Ipad 1.0.2
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WikiNotePad for iPad is an application that easily and quickly helps you create notes that are linked together, and uses an easy markdown language (based on a subset of Creole). WikiNotePad supports and alphabetical list view, hierarchical view, and a tag view, so that you can find and manage your notes easily and quickly.
Additionally WikiNotePad, makes its easy to put markdown language in notes, with our Keyboard Accessory bar that features quick links to all of the supported markdown commands.
And if you feel like you are in the weeds, we have a built in Help/FAQ section.
* Alphabetical list view, is a list of all of the notes that you have created in the system.
* Tree View is a view that starts with a "Home Page" and then displays the pages that are linked to original page, and so on.
* The Tag View, displays all the notes that have been "tagged" with user definable tags.
* Supported markdown tags, Links, Header 1, Header 2, Header 3, Header 4, Bold, Italics, Strike, Horizontal line
* Mail note pages to yourself or anybody else that you choose.
* An accessory bar is provided on the Note editing page, to easily allow you to enter new tags, for things like links, Headers, etc.
* Editing notes couldn't be easier, if you know the Creole markdown language
* Easily create and manage tags
* Use the search functionality find important notes.
* Set system preferences, like use CamelCase, and automatically put a header on new pages.
* Built in FAQ/Help page, has the information
* The Styles sheet is exposed through iTunes so that the user can customize the look and feel of the notes pages
* The XSLT is exposed through iTunes so that user can control how the page is rendered.
WikiNotePad is built to make it easy to enter and maintain notes.