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Bang On A Nice Search App 1.0.1
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Ever wanted to say "search for Bob Dylan on Pandora" and have it work? Yeah. Bang On does that.
✔ Search with your voice. Tap the dictation button on the keyboard* and say something like "search for apple" or "search YouTube for norah jones" or "search for Angry Birds on the App Store".
✔ Search hundreds of sites and apps with !bang shortcuts. For example, "!imdb richard pryor" will take you directly to a search at for Richard Pryor. "!instagram sunset" will open Instagram and start a search for sunset.
✔ Customize the favorites bar with your favorite !bang shortcuts to jump between your favorite search sites and apps quickly without retyping your search terms.
✔ Powered by DuckDuckGo, a smarter search engine that values your privacy.
✔ Settings synced between devices via iCloud.
* iPhone 4S or 3rd-generation iPad required for voice dictation.
"Bang On is a superb app for search, and it has found a spot on my home screen." - Christine Chan, AppAdvice
"If you like searching on iOS, then this is almost required." - Ben Brooks, The Brooks Review
"What Launch Center is to your iPhone apps, Bang On is to search." - Shawn Blanc,
"With Bang On, you can search more in less time with fewer keystrokes. It’s quite brilliant!" - Tracy Pease, iOS Affairs