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D Day 1944 1.5
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'the sort of app I would buy for my 13 year old son to give him a boost with a school project or perhaps something for my retired soldier father' - review
'students of history will be enthralled ... great for research or military strategy enthusiasts' – School Library Journal
D-Day 1944 brings to life the Allied landings on 6 June 1944 in northern France that began the liberation of Europe.
Beginning with a detailed description of the events of the "longest day", the highlight of the app is an animated map showing a step-by-step reenactment of the key phases of the battle.
• Animated battle map shows the progress of the Allied landings
• Audio commentary available throughout
• Superbly illustrated with colour artworks and photographs
• Gallery of images of tanks, soldiers, and the landings
• Interactive quiz to test your new knowledge
• Locator map and battle strength table
• Excellent educational tool for children or a school project
• All data stored offline on your device.
• No Internet connection required after download - wifi download recommended
This is history at hand – one of the major events in World War II and world history on your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Discover what happened on the beaches codenamed Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword, and how the German defenders fought back.