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Diodict 4 English Korean Dictionary
Screen Shots:
▶New DioDict 4, Quick Search Enabled Electronic Dictionary, Now Available◀
The complete New Ace English-Korean Dictionary • published by Kumsung Publishing, one of the Korea's leading dictionary makers • 310,000 words, meanings and examples • Thousands of notes on grammar and ways to use words • No internet connection needed.
**Free upgrade available for Diodict 3.5 ENG-KOR Dictionary users.
If you are using Diodict 3.5, please note that each version has different functions. Wordbook/History functions may not be available in the newest version due to database replacement. **
** In order to conform to iOS guidelines, we have had to raise the lowest compatible iOS version to 5.1.1. **
=====Trusted Dictionary and Continuous Updates Available=====
• The trusted New Ace Korean-English dictionary is used by Oxford University Press, the world's largest university press!
• Continuous updates from Harper Collins' 'New Words' database!
• Updated under the supervision of domestic and foreign language institutions and Jeong Yeongguk and Jo Miok, the most respected lexicographers in Korea.
=====Contains Rich Content=============
• Entries focus on practicality and frequency of use.
• A wide range of lexicon including a select 215,000 English-Korean and 95,000 Korean-English entries.
• Two way English-Korean dictionary suited to learners of both English and Korean.
• Updated to cover the latest vocabulary in Korean and English.
• Example Bank available with examples applicable to daily, real-life conversations and compositions.
• Pronunciation guide from the built-in American Text To Speech (TTS) solution.
• American and British pronunciation guide available for free (download is available via Wi-Fi.)
• Various detailed examples essential for English learners provided.
=====Powerful & Specialized Functions in Diodict 4=====
▶ Easier Search with 'Multi Search' ◀
• When you enter a word to search, relevant sentence idioms and phrasal verbs are searched for and spelling is checked automatically.
• Multiple types of searches are available in a single search window without the need to select a search mode.
▶ Search Features ◀
• Wildcard search: enter “?” or “*” in place of a letter when you are unsure of the spelling (e.g., “man*ver” retrieves the word “maneuver”).
• Search not only for words, but for phrases or examples.
• The spell check function corrects typos - if you are unsure of the spelling or mis-type a word, a list of similar words is offered.
• With the Korean-English dictionary, you can quickly search a word by typing the initial consonants of the Korean alphabet.
• The search results are listed in real-time when you enter a keyword.
• links to Google so that you can search for more information on a particular word.
• If you search for a verb in the English-Korean dictionary, the infinitive is always found whether it's in the present, past, past participle, or future perfect.
▶ Vocab Revision ◀
• History menu lists all your recent word searches.
• Save words and expressions to any number of flashcard folders.
• You can efficiently learn the words saved in the folders using the Cradle and Yes/No Quizzes function.
=====Reliable Dictionary App Provider=====
***Electronic Dictionary Application Chosen by Top Smartphone Manufacturers, such as Samsung and LG.
- Installed on over 90% of Samsung and LG smartphones with users all over the world. Highest market share for dictionary applications.
*** The Number One Company in the Domestic Mobile