This Version of Screen__lock was added on 09-07-2015 in our apps store. It has been downloaded for free by 164 times by our valuable users. Download Latest Version of Screen__lock for Free. is online mobile phone app stock so you come and enjoy unlimited free downloads. Other versions of Screen__lock may also available in our Mobile App store you can search them from related software category.
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Screen Shots:
The latest version of the powerful and stylish screen locker for touchscreen devices. It allows you to access your important information without unlocking your device.
¤ Rich graphics and animation interface.
¤ Powerful phone management on a locked position
¤ Completely new locking method
¤ Low battery consumption (consumption level is the same with that of the standard locking method)
¤ Ability to direct access to running applications
¤ A large calendar displaying current and upcoming events
¤ Animated sliding with four customizable effects
¤ Full management of the built-in music player and radio on a locked screen
¤ Ability to lock through proximity sensor (double tap), XpressMusic icon, menu key etc.
¤ Predefined autolock time
¤ All the indicators: clock, date, profile name, signal and battery strength, bluetooth, gprs and wi-fi.
¤ Notification bar showing missed calls, sms and gprs/wi-fi usage in detail
¤ Customizable skins and background
¤ Autostart
¤ Fixed an interference with an info panel
¤ Added PNG format support
¤ Now runs even if not selected any background image
¤ Added vibration when locked through proximity sensor