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Dreamtrip 1.1
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August 25, 2006 Dream Trip to southwest China started from Xi'an, the route through Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing, visiting a lot of ancient city, minority tribes, villages and the famous beauty spot, September 29 back to Xi'an, visit About one million kilometers.
On the road we shooting a lot of photos about natural and human subjects, selected some photos into the iOS App, to share with everyone.
※ 精選旅途中的一些照片,設計製作成iOS應用程序,和大家一起分享。
※ 開發者藍柯本人,多年從事軟件界面設計規劃UI/UE/UCD相關工作,不是專業程序員。該應用程序是藍柯學習熟悉iOS移動設備UI體系過程中,業餘時間自學iPhone開發的入門之作,難免疏漏,不足之處還請海涵。
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