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Gasitup 1.3
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With fuel prices on the rise, people are watching every penny they spend. With only so much money in your pocket you can use this app to figure how much gas/diesel you would need to fill up your tank. From a plane to an automobile, as long as you have a fuel gauge and the tank size for that vehicle, this app is for you.
This app provides:
- Allows you to give a description for one or more vehicles
- Enter the tank size in Gallons or Liters
- Enter the price at the pump
- Slide the red needle to enter how much fuel you actually have in your tank according to your fuel gauge
- Slide the green needle to the right to reach the desired level of fuel
- Provides the total cost you would have to pay
- Some gas stations put a limit on the amount of gas that they will dispense. Use the app to determine if you will be under or over that amount
This app is great whether paying for gas/diesel using cash or debit/credit cards. Never wonder how much you will need to pay for fuel again.
You can report bugs in the app or request new enhancements to the app by clicking on the support website link.