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Jeunes Talents 2011 France photography project – An app for iPad by Atout France, the France Tourism Development Agency
See France through the fresh eyes of eight American photography students and graduates of prestigious U.S. art institutes. They were sent to Metz, Rouen, Toulouse and the French West Indies island of Martinique to capture an unexpected and edgy side of contemporary France. The app includes:
• Over 70 photos taken by these young talents
• A bio of each photographer
• Description of the Martinique, Metz, Rouen and Toulouse
• A chance to win a trip for two to Martinique by voting for your favorite photo (sweepstake ending 12-31-2011)
The photographers are: Sam ASH, Johanna BREIDING, Christopher GOLDEN, Christie HEMM, Christina HENDERSHAW, Maeghan HENRY, Valorie POLMER, Brandy WOLFE
You can also visit the Jeunes Talents website @
Jeunes Talents is a joint cultural and tourism project sponsored by Atout France, The France Los Angeles Exchange and the Cultural Services of the French Consulate in Los Angeles