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Leisure 2.3
Screen Shots:
"Leisure" was built to use the the "iPhone" and the "iPod Touch" to look for recreational activities in the
surrounding area or in any city.
Sorry, currently the OSM servers we are using are sometimes unreachable. We now have our own server. The update of leisure is in review and will soon arrive.
Originally thought only to find the nearest playground, now almost all search tearms for leisure and tourism are installed. For families with children, it is very useful to know where the nearest playground is located. But not only that, Leisure also finds:
Public Toilets,
Tourist Info,
Miniature golf,
Biergarden (Germany),
Fastfood Restaurants,
Public Telephones,
Toy Shops,
Theme Parks,
Historic Places,
Swimming facilities,
Water Parks,
Tennis Grounds,
Camp Sites,
View Points,
The application offers following functions:
Localize your position. Search for any city (worldwide). Move the search target on the map. Set up the search radius. Show the search result on OpenStreetMap.
The search result is based on OpenStreetMap: Map and data is (c) by OpenStreetMap and contributors, CC-BY-SA.
OpenStreetMap data is growing daily through thousands of contributors. See: Support
The application needs an internet connection and the OpenStreetMap servers to show the map.